Tuesday 21 February 2012

Final Front Cover

Final Double Page spread

Final Contents Page

Double Page Spread Second Draft

This is better than before. I have changed the heading's font to a different font, that more represents the article about William Stone. It's a very 'flowy' font, which could represent Stone setting free and becoming an awesome solo artist. I have also change the summary sentence to a different font, which is more formal, as classic rock magazines have a clean cut, more formal look about them in comparison to other rock magazines such as Kerrang which is seen as quite busy and for a younger generation. Even though I'm making the fonts more formal and all clean cut, I'm still aiming it at a younger generation, but by keeping them in the loop and not excluding them from certain features, it creates the sense of identity and belonging to the same group of people who the love the same genre of music as you. I have changed the font of the article, to make it more bold and clearer to read. The image of Stone drumming is now in black and white, to draw all of the attention to Stone instead of the shelves behind and make sure all the attention is drawn to Stone's facial expressions. 

Double Page Spread First Draft

Here, for my first draft I have used a basic structure for my double page spread, including an eye catching title, drop capitals, a summary sentence and an image. I have picked these features from magazines such as NME. I decided that some things needed to change, such as the title, it looks as if it's for a fairground rather than representing a one man band in a double page spread. The summary sentence also lacks colour, e.g. a highlighted word or phrase which has been a used feature in Uncut magazine, highlighting an important quote or name. There is far too much space which has been left unfilled, which definitely needs to be filled up with other features from other classic rock magazines. The colour image at the bottom definitely needs to be in black and white, to represent the classic rock look a lot more. There are too many colours in the background on the shelves which distracts the attention from William Stone rather than focus on him. However it does lack some colour!

Contents Second Draft

I have now added an issue number and date to the contents page. I have now placed lines that segregate the image from article numbers, and lines that segregate the issue number and date. This gives it a more clean cut look which is again very much like Uncut's contents page. I have now changed the title "contents" to the same red which is used for the masthead on the front cover, to fit the colour scheme and tie in. Although more features have been added in here, there are still a few more things that need to be added such as a page number and article on the photograph of William Stone.