Tuesday 21 February 2012

Front Cover Second Draft

I have started positioning things differently and changing the colours and added a new feature. I feel that changing "William Stone" to a teal colour instead of red was more pleasing to the eye as it didn't make it all 'in your face'. The teal colour flattered the black and white contrasting image a lot better and complimented it. I have also changed the sub articles to the same colour (teal) to carry out the colour scheme. However, I have left the band names in "Impact" font and in white, as it draws the eye in, especially to well known bands, as people are more than likely to care if it's someone that they know well. This was a feature of Uncut magazine. I have left the title the same colour and font as I think that it suits the picture, and is bold and stands out, which draws the intended audience in. Another feature I have used from Uncut magazine are the band names/artists above the masthead. The bold colours (white and yellow) are very eye catching and pull the reader in as they are bright and stand out. 

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