Tuesday 21 February 2012

Possible Images

These are the possible images for my front cover. The first image (top left) I edited. I saturated the colours and changed the shadows of the image in Photoshop. I did this to make a more aged looking image, which could have represented the classic part of rock. However the shot also has some graffiti on the church doors behind, showing that the photo was taken in more modern times. But I didn't feel that it could be the final image that I used for my magazine because the facial expressions and body language weren't right, and the image was taken at a more low angle, which was unflattering on the face and wasn't very appealing. The second image (bottom right) was taken against the brick wall of the church. The colours contrasted well with the facial expressions here, and the mouldy green bricks brought out William Stone more. However I didn't feel that this image was just right for the front cover as I wouldn't have been able to mould the features of the magazine around it very well, and it would have looked messy, which isn't the style of a classic rock magazine. I decided to go with the last photo (top right) because it was a mid-shot, I altered the colour to black and white in Photoshop, as many other classic rock magazines use this technique, showing "classic" as represented through the artist. It also shows more about the artist, e.g. clothing, which is a beanie hat and a military style coat which could be said to be a feature of clothing from the classic rock genre, and represent the intended audience as what they wear or what kind of clothes they aspire to wear. 

These are the possible images for my double page spread. The first image was a good idea, as it's a mid-shot and you can see William Stone playing his bass guitar, and you can also see the concentration on his face, showing that he's really concentrating on it, and paying plenty of attention. The second image I thought was better than the first image as it shows concentration of playing the drums, but it also shows the drumsticks in motion, as I turned the shutter speed down to capture this. I decided no to go with the first two possible images because they were both in colour, and although they showed William Stone concentrating on playing his drum and bass, they didn't express happiness, and that's why I chose image 3. Image 3 is similar to image 2, however, Stone is smiling and playing the drums as well as concentrating. The drumsticks in motion has also been caught in this image. Because of the facial expression of Stone being happy, I thought this represented how he's broken free of an old band and become a solo artist, and is eager and happily making his own music, making a really good job of it as well. I changed the image to black and white in Photoshop as it fits the classic rock theme, and theme going along with my front cover, so it would all fit together, and make the front cover, contents and double page spread look like they all come together very well and don't look out of place. 

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